DNS (Domain Name System) is the service which translates between Internet names and Internet addresses. Internet names are the names which we use to refer to hosts on the Internet, such as https://webio.host. Internet addresses are the numbers which routers use to move traffic across the Internet.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create DNS records.

The most common way is to log in to cPanel and click the Zone Editor.

If you purchased DNS Management from us then follow the instructions below:

1) Login to the Webio Host Control Panel

2) Click the Domains button.

3) Click on the domain for the DNS that you would like to modify.

In this example, we're going to select webiohost.blog.

4) On the domain overview screen, click the blue DNS management link.


5) Here, you can createmodify and delete DNS records.

If you have hosting through us and are setup through our default Nameservers, your default A (Address) record has been set up for you, pointing your domain to your server’s IP address.

6) To create a record, fill out the fields in the boxes pictured above.  Once complete, click the blue Save Changes button.

For your convenience, we explain more about each DNS record and what it means.  You can find that information below:

  • The A (Address) maps a host name to an IP address. When a computer has multiple adapter cards or IP addresses, or both, it should have multiple address records.
  • The AAAA (Address) is similar to the A record, but it allows you to point the domain to an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address.
  • MXE (Mail Easy) records allow you to configure mail delivery to a server based on IP address.
  • MX (Mail) record specifies a mail exchange server for the domain, which allows mail to be delivered to the correct mail servers in the domain.
  • CNAME (Alias) sets an alias for a host name. For example, using this record, subdomain.webio.host can have an alias as www.webio.host.
  • An SPF (txt) record is a record that identifies which mail servers are permitted to send email on behalf of your domain. The purpose of an SPF record is to prevent spammers from sending messages with forged From addresses at your domain.
  • The URL Frame is similar to URL Redirect except that instead of redirecting the client to your web page, the web page is displayed in a frame from our web server. With this method the user's browser will display your domain name (for example: www.exampledomain.com) while they are using your site and not the actual URL to your page (for example: thirdpartaddress.com/subpage.php").  If you use this method of forwarding, you will want to input the 'target="_top"' attribute into any links that leave the page.
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